raidon's journal

my little journal/logbook! this page will have really whatever i want to talk about on that day of writing the entry

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ENTRY 2: NULL - 02/13/25

hello!!! i made an entry 2!! and it was actually the next month like i said!!

this might actually be the first time ive complete something like this on time

looking back at my previous entry, im gonna be honest the beats that i made... honestly sucked! but thats okay! because its a learning process, and nobody is gonna be great on their first try.

wait what? you want me to show how much better i am now?
uhhh yeah so about that... um...
i have a weird little thing where its hard to hold onto a hobby or interest for like... not even more than a month! so every single time i write one of these im just going to be.. doing something different! probably..?

uhhhh just ignore how im still into oneshot for much longer than that-- its good ok!???

however i did make some more stuff a little after making the last entry, so... here it is!

unnamed1937428 & kaleidescope

sooo if im not into making music anymore, then what am i into?
uh.. nothing? likkee i guess just my regular stuff that i do in my free time, play games, go to school, blah blah blah-- im not really into any hobbies or anything right now.
not even coding, suprisingly!! just kinda only this website im stil updating every now and then with entries and fixes and whatnot
buuuttt major keyword; right now. next time i make a entry ill definitely have something specific to talk about!



so um... hello i guess!! today-- well technically not today-- ive decided i want to keep a.. logbook or journal of sorts! and what better way to do that than on the amazing world of the internet!!!

(just kidding its not that amazing)

anyways!! the new year 2025 just started 3 days ago and i wanted to start this and hopefully write a new entry atleast every month or so for the rest of the year. ill most likely write more than 12 times, but it'll be a good baseline for me.

okayokayokay what do i write ummm.....

ive been getting a little bit into music creation! im not good at it or anything and im only using jummbox & beepbox but it has been really fun! i learnt like the baselines of music theory, stuff i just searched up and probably not gonna remember by next month. heres the few things ive made so far though!!:

wowww & bambom v2

yeah i know my names are sooooo unique... its what the first note(s) sound like and i dont have any other good names so shut up okay?
if you want to learn to make music, beepbox (and more specifically jummbox) is a great tool to use at a starting level! or, if you just want to make music for some short indie game, use it!! no need to pay for fl studio or something!!


legacy entry means that it was written before i made this journal page. this does not count to the entry counter. you might have seen this near the end of 2024 on main.html

ive been having alot of fun learning programming languages like java, python, and (of course) html, but i cant really, or frankly want to, take full online classes on how to code in one of those languages.
so instead, im having fun using websites like w3schools and mozilla's documentation to self teach myself how to code in ____!
im probably not going to go much farther than stuff like terminal art, but im still having fun, and im sure i'll eventually make a page on here that shows off some of the projects ive made.